Poundland opens in Bicester

Great excitement on our trip to town this morning to discover that the new Poundland is now open.
No new store due to open in Bicester has polarized opinions more than this one, before it even appeared. From those eagerly waiting its arrival to those denouncing its appearance as the nail in the coffin for Bicester’s High Street, everyone has had an opinion.

Welcome to Bicester!

And myself? Well I like to make my own mind up about things without any pre-conceptions drummed into me by other people. I’ve heard it all about Poundland – how it’s going to lower the tone, cheap and nasty, not value at all, will be full of chavs – yes these comments have all reached my ears in recent days. So what do I think?

Well – any new store in Bicester I see as a positive – in the last couple of years we’ve acquired Aldi, Lidl and Wilkinsons and they have made a huge positive impact on the town. The range of things we can buy has increased enormously, as has the possibility of gaining value  - you don’t have to buy it in Tesco anymore because there is nowhere else. So how does Poundland fit into the mix?

Well – we went in to a bright, well-lit welcoming store. Four aisles, packed to the rafters with a huge mix of food, household products, toys, stationery, and all manner of other things. A great range – and it is pretty much all branded, well known names as well – which will please those that turn their noses up at the kind of copycat brands found in Aldi.

Yes – not everything is value – some things aren’t, but you’ve just got to be a savvy shopper and use your loaf. I would say the 3 cans of diet coke for £1 isn’t that great when you can get a 6 pack in Iceland for £1.50 – so you go to Iceland for that. But I saw many other products for £1 that I know for a fact you pay more for elsewhere – all good branded stuff.

For those that want to turn their nose up – fine. If you are happy  to carry on buying your Heinz Tomato Ketchup for £1.69 in Tesco when you can get the identical product for £1 in Poundland, that’s fine – I’m quite happy to save my 69p. Every 69p I save here and there mounts up over the year – so when I am sitting in Fuerteventura sitting in the sun sipping a cocktail and you’re stuck at home skint next February you’ll know why.

OK – fair enough say the critics – but you don’t get the quality. What you mean extortionately priced quality that you get next door in M&S trading on its long established good name? There is very little  I buy in M&S these days – a few biscuits that the kids like and some Cheese Tasters (they really are worth the money) but not a lot else. I don’t even buy bacon in M&S anymore because I have discovered the most amazing and delicious bacon that can be bought anywhere in Bicester in Aldi at £1.49 a pack – top quality stuff – but I suppose there’s little point me broadcasting it on here, because you won’t believe me! Never mind, all the more for me then!

The best bacon you can buy in Bicester. FACT!!!

Back to Poundland - one of the best things in there is the toys – amazing range of stuff, perfect for a little treat for the kids or stocking fillers. But the best thing of all – I was delighted to find some of my absolutely favourite crisps – a 6 pack of Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries for just, of course, £1. Now these are notoriously hard to find in  shops – Morrisons occasionally have them but at nearer  two quid or you can get them in some pubs, but you wouldn’t even get two packets for a quid there! What a find! The shop is worthwhile being there for them alone!!!

6 Bags for £1 Who needs Easter eggs???

One of the funniest comments I heard about Poundland was someone complaining that it wouldn’t be like good old Winners. What you mean, good old Winners, with it’s dingy lighting, dirty floors, fussy notices everywhere telling you “don’t do this” and “don’t do that” and surly staff? No thank goodness – it is nothing like that!

So to all those too high and mighty to go into Poundland – well I admire your principles. For me,  I reckon it is going to knock at least another £5 to £10 off my weekly shopping bill, so that’s this year’s trip to Butlins paid for! Not that you would would be seen dead there, of course. I imagine Center Parcs is more your thing. None of those horrid people with clothes from Primark and tattoos there.

Jason xx


  1. You have to try the Lidl bacon fries - I am addicted! They are hard to find as they are normally at the back of the box with the large bags of onion rings in them, but so worth it! And for the record, I like Centreparcs and Primark too! :-)

    1. Ooh - I shall have to have a look for those next time I am in - and I enjoy a good rummage around in the back of the box! xx

  2. Hate to put a downer on your crusade but actually THE best bacon can be found out across the bridge of doom in Launton :) Go to John the Butcher and I promise you the BEST bacon! :)
    Often you will find meat from there works out cheaper and frankly the only thing I don't buy from there is chicken and whilst I'd love to then it's just too expensive for local free range organic chicken :(

    And as a Primarni fan with tattoos (2 rather large ones ;) ) I'd just like to defend centre parcs :P

    Personally I will be using Poundland, I have to admit though I would have preferred if it hadn't opened on our high-street - the Winners location would have suited me perfectly for them, but then I'd have loved to see more support for the local independent businesses in Bicester and not see the high-street turn into another clone of everywhere else :(

    *off to get dressed to go nose through Poundland!*


    1. Well I won't disagree. I'm sure John's bacon is very nice but I did specifically say "in Bicester" so we can both be right, Mr T!

      Had an interesting mix up in Poundland this morning. Spent £3 but handed the girl at the till a 2 pound coin, a 50 pence and three 20 pence pieces i.e. £3.10 expecting to receive 10p in change. Not an unreasonable selection of coinage to give - it was basically what I had in my pocket. However you wouldn't believe the trauma it caused! Clearly they aren't used to having to give 10p pieces in change - there were none in the till and they had to hunt the other tills to find one! The girl also got very confused! lol.

      Seems it's round pounds or notes only!

  3. LOL Well it's Mrs but I'll concede that you had no way of knowing that ;)

    Will make note of only taking £1 coins or notes!

    As for Bacon... it's worth the walk - I promise ;) And if ever I miss his opening times I shall be certain to give Aldi's a try :)


  4. All I will say every time I go into poundland there is a lovely female supervisor in there and she always smiles and is very helpful the rest of the staff look short of a few brain cells and seem to find it hard to say please and thank you. This supervisor makes my trip into poundland very enjoyable as she always goes the extra mile she is great I think her name is Leanne

  5. We are becoming a town of haves and have nots - the haves get to spend £100 on a belt in Bicester Village, the rest of us get to go to Poundland. Says everything about how our planners see the people of Bicester.


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