The Grand Final!

This isn't a normal blog entry, just an opportunity for me to share with you what I am going to be doing next week. This is the official press release for the Grand Final of this year's sausage competition, and I'm delighted to say I've been invited along to be one of the panel of judges for the day: Which of these bangers will I like best...? You can expect a full write up next week, that is for sure, in the meantime, but take a look at the list below. Which would you like best? And which do you think I will like best? Also look out for next week's edition of Chat magazine as there will be a rare interview in it with my wife, Claire. Find out what it's really like to be married to the Sausage Man! Normal service shall be resumed shortly...! THE SAUSAGE ‘OSCARS’ COME TO BIRMINGHAM! - BRITISH SAUSAGE WEEK COMES TO TOWN TO DISCOVER THE REGION’S FINEST SIZZLERS- What: British Sausage Week 2013 (co...