Pastures new

I've been curious about Louth for some time, and found myself strangely drawn towards it ever since I found it whilst I was idly looking through the road atlas looking for new places to explore. This was some months ago. I started with Wikipedia, where else, then moved on further to find out as much as I possibly could about this town. Here's a few snippets from Wikipedia that caught my eye: "Louth has a total resident population of 15,930. [2] " "The Greenwich Meridian passes through the town and is marked on Eastgate with a plaque on the north side of the street, just east of the junction with Northgate ." "Louth is noted for the wide selection of independent retailers, with around 70% of businesses independently owned. [28] In 2012, it was named 'Britain's Favourite market town' by the BBC 's Countryfile . [29] " " Louth is also known for its specialist grocers, [31] and local butchers, Meridian Meats, h...