Sauce for the goose

Here's a thing that's been bugging me for a while now. I've got a pretty decent size fridge in my place. Yet the space within is constantly at a premium. I get back from Sainsbury's and I'm struggling to squeeze everything in. Yeah, yeah, I hear you thinking, he loves his meat and cheese etc, he shouldn't buy so much. Thing is, it's not those things that are crowding out the fridge. My problem is that I'm a permanent shelf down before I've even started. There is just no room whatsoever on the top shelf of the fridge, and I'll tell you why. It's because of all of the sauces. Now I'm not just talking about the standard sauces we all have. Most of us have a bottle of ketchup in there and a bottle of salad cream. My kids adore ketchup and it doesn't take long to get through a bottle. No, the problem is all the other stuff. Take mayonnaise for example. How many different types of that have we ended up with? There's standard H...