The Equation Of Time

As I am up early, and it's dark, just time for a mini-blog entry, geeky factoid style.

I notice it is exceptionally dark this morning, but I expected nothing less, the sun is still rising as late as it did on the winter solstice back on December 21st.

I bet you all thought that the nights drew out and the mornings got lighter in equal measure after the shortest day didn't you, well you are actually wrong!

To use London as an example - the earliest sunset was actually on December 12th at 3:51pm. On that day the sun rose at 7:57am. Since then the nights have drawn out but the mornings continued to get darker  until after New Year.

So today the sunset will be at 4:12pm - you see we've gained over 20 minutes in the evening already, but the sun won't rise until 8:03am. The latest it rose was 8:06am on January 4th.

This is all due to a strange astronomical formula known as the equation of time!

I bet you never knew that!

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please take a look at my books on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle), where you can read lots more of the same! Click here.

Come on Sun, get a move on! You're late!


  1. Lovely little blog bestie... But I am blagging behind now as you have over taken me by a blog! OMG, how could you?! I will have to rectify this matter & quick!!! Lol

  2. Mwahahahaha, I have overtaken the blogging lead for this year - Whoop, Whoop, Whoop & it's a 'cracker' of a blog if I say so myself ;) Lol


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