The Sound Of The Underground
I am pretty much in control of my life. By that I don't mean day to day things like making sure I get to work on time that sort of thing - quite simply because I do not go to work in the conventional sense. I don't think I ever will again. I am my own man - I run my business, run this family, organise all of our finances and holidays and all the rest of it. This does not mean I am some sort of control freak, just that I like to be in charge. Pretty much everything I do in my life is done on my terms. That sounds selfish - but it really isn't. For example, every holiday that we have taken in the last six years i.e. since I met Claire and we had the children has been more or less 100% organised by me. Now this does not mean that I say "right Claire I've booked this year's holiday and we're going here, you've got no say in the matter so like it or lump it". I am not that sort of person. In fact - although I like being in control of what I do - I wou...