Filling In The Gap

This will be my last post on Myspace.

It was announced this week that MySpace had been sold by News Corp for $35M - having bought it for $580M in 2005.

Says it all really. I doubt whether it is even worth $35. Having looked at my friends profiles on here, most have not been updated for years. It seems that fashions change in websites too, and MySpace is doomed to disappear. Remember Friends Reunited anyone? Where's that today.

Facebook has more or less taken over the world, and it's hard to imagine a world without it now. But who knows, something else may come along to zap that. In 10 years time we might be saying "remember the days when we used to be on facebook all the time...?"

Perhaps not - facebook does seem to have the ability to move with the times. I can't speak for twitter, as I don't use it. Certainly it seems that facebook is the currency of choice around here anyway. Basically if you're not on facebook, you're nobody.

So my blog is moving to facebook, via their notes facility. I thought about using another blogging site, but it just seems pointless keeping things in different places.

So this will be my last post here, and first over there. As you may have noticed though I have sent across the complete archive. And what a nightmare that was. Thank-you Myspace for making it as difficult as possible.

Now, anyone who has read through my blog from the beginning (unlikely) will have noticed a glaring 4 year gap in the middle where nothing was posted. Why is that? Well after Ollie was born, there were simply too many other things to do. Well I shall attempt to fill out the gap - so here is a whistlestop tour to fill in what happened in my life between July 2007 and July 2011.

2007: After Ollie was born went back to work full time at the probation office. Also continued with the karaoke in G's. Came to mutual decision with Claire that she wanted to have a career, and I was unhappy at the probation office. Left probation office to care for Ollie full time whilst Claire got a new job with the NHS and worked on developing her career.

2008: Early in 2008, started an Open University course in Business Studies - did this for next two years. At the same time decided to go it alone with the DJ'ing, quit G's, bought a car, loads of equipment, spent thousands on karaoke discs & took a leap into the great unknown.

Claire and I got married at the Garth and  had our reception in the back garden of the White Hart with a marquee. Good time had by all. Honeymooned in Minorca with little 8 month old Ollie - he was as good as gold back then.

Spent 2008 developing the business, got a regular Sunday night slot at The Angel, plus lots of Saturday discos. Ollie started crawling and then walking.

2009 - decided we needed to move house - tried to get a mortgage, no chance. Next door came to the rescue as we got on well with them, and they were moving out. Her brother offered to rent it to us so we moved one place next door. Experience soured by bitter battle with evil landlady in our old house who screwed us over the deposit - as I later found she had done to other tenants before us. No matter, we were out and into this very nice house rather than that shithole.

Lovely 2 week holiday in Fuerteventura in February, later trip to Butlins at Bognor Regis not so successful (my camcorder got stolen). Angel changed hands and my services no longer required, but Sarah offered me Sundays at the White Hart, so I moved down there in April and have been there ever since. Decided to extend our family in the Autumn and before long baby #2 was on the way.

In the meantime, Ollie and I became a regular fixture at the stay and play sessions and Brookside and I began to integrate myself into the parenting community.

2010 - difficult holiday in February in Lanzarote left us pondering what our future holiday options might be. Very difficult Spring with Claire in and out of hospital several times, me trying to keep the disco business running smoothly amidst the upheaval, and Ollie in the midst of the terrible two's. Uncertainty over work, with Sarah's future at the White Hart increasingly uncertain. Sarah left, pub closed, but incoming tenants Aidan and Cathy gave me a chance with the Sunday night job. Despite a quiet start it's gone from strength to strength.

In the midst of all this, baby Jamie was born, adding a new dimension to our family. Ollie took to his baby brother straight away and there wasn't any jealousy.

Second trip to Butlins, much more successful in Minehead and looking to become a regular fixture. Worked hard during the Autumn when Claire on maternity leave and invested a lot of money back into the business. Ollie had now started pre-school 5 mornings a week which freed up a bit more time.

2011 - full on parenting from New Year when Claire went back to work. Number of children doubled, but seemed the work had quadrupled. Very little time for anything. All roads led to Ibiza where we had a full on all inclusive holiday, with lots of kiddies entertainment, mostly good but marred by food poisoning - all four of us.

Which brings us up to date more or less. What happens next...? You'll have to keep reading. But not here on Myspace, over on facebook.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please take a look at my books on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle), where you can read lots more of the same! Click here.


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