Chicken Pox

The great thing about this blog is that I can say whatever I want on it. It is my blog after all, I'm not libelling anyone, or trying to bullshit anyone (Legoland blog excluded) I just give my opinion.

So when I say I think Montgomery House Surgery is an absolute waste of space, and Langford Village Surgery is the best in Bicester - that's my opinion! Agree or disagree - that's up to you, but I say/ do what I think - always have, always will.

What's brought all this on, well when I got together with Claire some six years ago nearly, I was based at Langford Village surgery and she was based at Montgomery House. Now whilst it is traditional for all family members to be registered with the same doctor, we continued with this arrangement until Ollie came along, at which point he naturally went to the same surgery as his mother. You see, in the first few months of Ollie's life I was continuing to work full time for the Probation service while Claire was at home, so it was the obvious choice.

Yet the two places could not be further apart. It seems almost impossible to get an appointment at Montgomery, they operate this triage system where they call you back, they are always fully booked and on the rare occasion you do get in you are sat waiting for hours. And then you can't even be trusted to go to the toilet without the humiliation of asking the receptionist for a key who then looks you up and down to assess if she thinks you might be going in there to do drugs. Next time I think I'll shout "Can I have the key please I know I haven't had a shave today but I am not going in to shoot up, I just need to drop a log".

Not that there will be a next time. Convenient as it is having the doctors located a stone throw from the school, bollocks to them! I am moving them to Langford Village surgery at the first opportunity.

I have been at Langford more or less since it was built, and have the wonderful Doctor Grimshaw as my doctor. He is patient, kind, understanding and I can always get to see him when I need to - which due to a long term medical condition I need to every six months. When I go there I don't think I have ever had to wait more than 5 minutes past the appointment time and every time I ring up the receptionist is polite and helpful.

What's brought all this on, well basically I got a call from school this morning saying Ollie had broken out in spots on his face, and a couple on his chest too. They suspected chicken pox, so could I take him round to the doctor to check. Phoned the surgery! No chance! Just did not want to know. So brought him home, went into town, got various medications and here we are now confined to base. He does not actually seem ill at all, but we will have to see how it goes.

Where's the calamine lotion?

They say the earlier they get it, the less severe it is, so maybe this is all for the best. I don't like him missing so much school, but I guess it could be worse, at least we are not away on holiday or anything like the nightmare we had in Ibiza last May.

Maybe it would be better if Jamie also got it though he seems fine right now.

Won't be able to go out tomorrow, Claire is working, but I am sure Bestie and others will come to my rescue if I need anything.

Anyone on the blogger network reading this in a similar boat, well you have my sympathies and I will keep you posted.

Not much else to report - wasn't the best of weekends to be honest, faced the agony of seeing my one and only selection in the Grand National beaten by a millimetre. None of this "I won on the Grand National" bollocks that you get from people that had 50p each way on 8 different horses and one came in fourth. No - all the eggs in one basket for me and sadly they did not bear fruit. Sunday night karaoke was the quietest in probably over a year as my loyal army of supporters vanished (thank you Anne & Sparky for saving the day), hopefully just a one off after the long Easter weekend and you'll all be back this Sunday!!!

Night all.

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Jason xx


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