Wot, no title? (sorry it's about the kids mostly, oh, and, er, Christmas)

Well here comes another blog! And I have no idea what I am going to be writing about tonight, I shall just go with the flow. Speaking of which, excuse me a moment, whilst I pop to the fridge, the source of much of my inspiration!

OK, that's good, let's roll. Well here we are nearly at the middle of the "bad month" and invariably one's thoughts turn towards Christmas. The tree has appeared in Market Square, shops ranges are in full swing and you can't get away from the fact it's six weeks away. Of course you get the usual moaning about it being too early from all the usual boring people who love to trot out all their annual cliches. You know the ones. Same ones who marvel at how early or late Easter is this year. Next year's is slap bang in the middle, April 8th to be precise I bet they are well gutted. Still perhaps they will get lucky and it will be either an early warm spell or late snowfall, then they can trot out all their global warming theories instead.

Easter, I'm getting ahead of myself, already. Did you notice I added already to the end of that sentence? Don't worry I don't really speak like that just a cheap jibe at shoddy yank sitcoms of the late 20th century. Moving on we had a Christmas gift catalogue through the door today, much to Ollie's delight. He is a catalogue junkie. Perusing it over lunch at my suggestion (for ideas from Santa), his eyes alighted on this huge stationery set that folds out, with a total of about 300 crayons, pencils, paints, felt tips, every writing implement known to man. So he wants that. I said Santa might bring it, at which point he got very excited until I pointed out that Christmas is not for six weeks, which to a 4 year old is probably equivalent to about 2 years in our money. Hence tantrum number 8 of the day (well it was lunchtime).

I've also got to think about what to get the wife for Christmas. I am taking her away to London for the weekend at the end of this month, though that does not count as a present. Call it her Christmas "bonus" shall we say :-). Still according to her this will be the last one, as she is convinced that the world is going to end on 21st December next year. Something to do with the Mayan calendar apparently. And if I remember correctly from the X-Files on the 22nd December the alien invasion will begin. So I'm pretty safe not having to worry about present ideas next year.

Fast forward to 25th December 2012 and you can just picture me being beaten over the head with a rolling pin for failing to supply a present..."but you said the world was going to end! And so did Mulder!"

I won't get away with it, will I?

Didn't get out today due to Baby Jamie being unwell, he has had a tummy bug and consequently we've been unable to go out due to certain explosive activity occurring down below! Hello mums, we've all been there! I have to say though, this morning's offfering was probably the worse nappy I have ever encountered, certainly smell-wise. Pure evil is the only description I can give. Now even in my worst hey-days of 10 pint Strongbow Friday nights and supper from the Broken Fork, I could not brew up something even 10% as pungent as this on the following Saturday morning. I could have bottled this and sold it to the military. All I can say is, I would not want to be one of the bin-men on my round next week.

I'm still worried about Ollie at school, he's just so little and toddler like compared to many of the others, that's what you get with a 27th Aug birthday when you've been born premature. He has had difficulties integrating with the other children, mirroring in a way my own shyness around the other mums but I am trying, and starting to feel a little more comfortable. When he cried and shows his vulnerability and sensitivity I just see so much of myself in him, of course it's a lot easier to put a brave face on things when you are 41 than when you are 4.

All I can do it keep doing my best for him - at least I can see that his class friends and the other children in the school seem to be a good bunch - there's no hint of any bullying problem as I would hate to have him go through anything like that.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please take a look at my books on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle), where you can read lots more of the same! Click here.

Jason x x


  1. I have just re-read this blog & all I can say again is...

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, you are a fab friend & a fab dad & a fab hubby to Claire so that makes you totally FAB =)


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