Global Cooling

I'm really pleased with the way the sequel to The Time Bubble is coming along, and am delighted to announce that I have scheduled it in for a provisional launch date of Friday 28th November. Amazon are now allowing indie authors to put their books up for pre-order, so it should become visible on the site some time before that date. Watch this space.

I have been overwhelmed by the fantastic response I have had to The Time Bubble. At the time of writing I have sold nearly 1,000 copies all over the world via Amazon. Those sales have generated 16 reviews in the UK with an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars, and more good reviews in America.

It was always my intention to write a sequel as you know. In fact if this goes well, it may even become a trilogy.

Because the book is going to be put on pre-order, I need to do things in a slightly different order, so although I'm still writing the story, I've already sorted out the cover and the "blurb".

Here is the blurb:

The astronomers confidently predicted that the asteroid would miss Earth. They were wrong.

On Friday 13th April 2029 it slammed into the Sahara desert, annihilating everything within a radius of a hundred miles. But that was only the beginning.

A huge amount of dust was thrown up into the atmosphere blocking out the sun across the planet. Soon temperatures began to fall.

As weather conditions worsen, the residents of the small market town need to make a decision – flee south to escape the weather, or wait for the worst to pass. Choosing to stay, D.I. Hannah Benson soon has more to worry about than keeping law and order. With power supplies failing and food scarce, it soon becomes a battle just to stay alive. And there are some that see it not as a crisis, but as an opportunity.

For those travelling to escape the deepening winter, plans are thwarted as the transport system grinds to a halt. Can the possible discovery of a new Time Bubble provide a way out?

Set ten years after the main events of The Time Bubble, this sequel takes place in parallel with events in the later stages of that story.

And here is the cover:

I think that fans of the first book will find it fascinating to discover how the character's lives have moved on from the first book, particularly the younger ones. I think it's fair to say most of us were very different at 27 from how we were at 17. The new story will explore all of that.

Before I sign off, just to let you know that The Time Bubble is going to be available on a Kindle Countdown Deal for a whole week from Monday 29th September to Sunday 5th October. During that time, it will be reduced to just 99p in the UK and 99c in the US. If you haven't got a copy yet, check out these links from Monday:



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