To blog...but about what?

My blog entries have been a little sparse this month, just as they were this time last year, but there's a pretty simple explanation for that - not a lot of interest has occurred worth writing about. In fact November is living up to its usual billing of being the most boring and my most disliked month of the year.

Smashie and Nicey once talked about "The Great British Tuesday" implying nothing much ever happened, so I guess the worst combination is a Tuesday in November. When it rains all day. Like the one we just had. Therefore I officially declare that Tuesday 27th November 2012 was the most boring day of this year. Unless you happened to be flying off to Australia that day to get away from it all. And who does that? Answers on a postcard, please, Jo Sandy.

Coming soon, by special courier from Perth

Usually when things are a little quiet on the events front, I attempt to conjure up some sort of "amusing" piece based on some random interest of mine. These tend to be rather hit and miss, judged on the number of hits and comments they get. Sadly not everyone is on my wavelength (but I love you all who are!) and don't get it, in fact there I am thinking some of what I have written has gone totally over everyone's heads, but then I receive a little bit of validation and all is well. I was delighted to get a reply yesterday on my "Biscuits Alive" entry. This you will recall (if you bothered to read it) was when I was talking about a very obscure strip in Viz which has only appeared twice with an 18 year interval between strips. Therefore I was very pleased to hear from someone yesterday who also appreciated the "Biscuits Alive" thing, and here was his reply:

"Biscuits Alive! This has since made it into the everyday lexicon of me and my mates to describe something surprising/exasperating. Genius!!"

Sounds fun, I might try it. I'm trying to think of some scenarios where I could use it...e.g.

"Biscuits Alive! Look at the size of it!!!"
"Biscuits Alive! I can't believe Barnet beat Man Utd!!!" - that sort of thing.

Anyway the problem with these humorous entries, is that there are only so many things one can write about without the danger of repeating oneself, and I like to try and be fresh and original at all times. Now if you are a stand up comedian touring the country, it's OK to repeat your stuff. You are playing to a different audience every night, so when you peddle out the same stuff in Newcastle that you did in Leeds the previous night, no-one minds.

In fact, even if you are playing to the same audience, it seems you can get away with repeating the same thing over and over again. Allo Allo didn't run for 85 episodes for nothing. Perhaps audiences were less sophisticated in those days, yet it seems that audience roared with laughter at the same things every week. Canned laughter, no doubt.

Listen very carefully! I shall say this only 85 times.

But I like to be different. And there is only so much mileage you can squeeze out of cheese balls (oo-er), and various other dubious eating and drinking habits. Sex is a bit taboo as there is nothing I could write about my sex life that might not sound like showing off so I avoid that, and anyway that News Of The World expose they did on me a few years ago pretty much covered all that off. No-one else is interested in gambling apart from Daryl and he rarely replies to any PM's I write him on the subject, so there's little chance of him reading this. Parenting - all well and good, but I don't write every blog about the kids as people without kids invariably find it boring. If I write about Doctor Who or Star Trek, Anne will call me a geek. Having a go at Tesco is a good one, but we've covered that recently. Bacon and Ham have been covered to an extent of which the Encyclopaedia Britannica would be proud. Could talk about next year's holidays (got 4 weeks away booked up already) but it's a bit far in advance. There's loads I could write about my Galaxy Note (similar to an iPad) but I don't know anyone else who has got one so of limited interest. The F1 season has finished so no mileage there except to say "Hurrah! We've finally got rid of the cheating ****" you all know who I am talking about. So what am I going to write about today?

I am sure I'll think of something...

And I did. You've just read it.

See you in December

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Jason xx


  1. Glad your alive and well Jason, have been checking in daily and was beginning to worry....


    p/s with you on the whole November thing, rubbish month x

  2. Glad your alive and well Jason, have been checking in daily and was beginning to worry....


    p/s with you on the whole November thing, rubbish month x

  3. Cheers Nat, well the good news is that it is nearly over! xx

  4. Nah, I'd have to argue that February is by far THE most boring and depressing month, with Christmas gone, grey clouds, possibly snow, even though is the shortest month, it can go on for ever . . .

  5. February is good for me! As that is normally when I go away on holiday! When I get back, Spring is on the way!


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