Ollie goes to the fireworks and more.

Took Ollie to the annual Firework display this evening at Pingle Field. Thought about taking Jamie too but he's still a bit little to take without the push chair and besides he was ready for bed so just the two of us went.

"Wow!" - shouted Ollie - about 50 times!

All in all, another good effort, very similar to last year's in fact. The event has improved a lot from year to year after some cock ups in the past. Like the year all the fireworks got let off at the same time, or more recently, when they couldn't get the bonfire lit! Anyway, these events are important to the town so well done to all those involved. Good value at £3 to get in.

The only thing I thought was slightly odd was that although the firework display was excellent most of the big guns came out early and the way it ended was most odd. There had been an accompanying soundtrack but this finished before the fireworks leaving the last couple of minutes in silence, plus rather than a grand finale it seemed they had left the quietest ones until the end, so the whole thing kind of fizzled out. After about 5 seconds the crowd realised it had finished and there was a belated round of applause. Still I imagine these things are quite difficult to co-ordinate - so all in all a good effort.

Was impressed by Ollie's memory as he remembered everything from last year, including something I had completely forgotten, about a bench that was perched on top of the bonfire which we watched fall down. We also went on the Ferris wheel again which he loves - apparently according to Ollie we were so high we were "above the clouds".

As usual he was charming the girls, some teenagers this time who gave him their glow sticks. What is it with that boy and women? They seem to be just completely besotted by his charms, whatever age.

Got ripped off for some very pricey Pick n Mix on the way out - this stuff seems to increase exponentially in price each year. I notice they now price it per 100g to try and disguise the level of rip off which probably fools some people but not me. Unfortunately I had a 5 year old boy with me who wanted sweets and as he had behaved so well all evening I could hardly say no. I like to reward good behaviour.

Half term whizzed by fairly uneventfully. We had a few trips out but nowhere particularly exciting. Went to Banbury one day which included a trip to Morrisons. How I enjoy going to places like there and Asda - such a refreshing change from Tesco and so much more available and at agreeable prices. Even managed to get some multipacks of the classic Smiths Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries as portrayed in my profile picture on facebook.

Very nice - no cheesy moment though.

We also enjoyed a running commentary from Ollie throughout the trip (as always) and a full scale model of the supermarkets created from his ever inventive mind on our return!

The brochure came through from Parkdean this week who provided us with our most enjoyable caravan week in Croyde Bay back in May. Now next year, we already have a winter break organised in the Canaries, but I do want a UK holiday too. We are limited to school holidays for the remainder of next year, but with Claire having a two week break in August we could get away - the question is - where and how.

I plan to do some research into this. We all know prices are hiked in August - but I am sure the percentage difference can't be as high with all types of holiday. For example - the caravan we had in Croyde Bay costs 3x as much in August as it does in May. Butlins is over 2x as much. However there must be some holidays types that aren't as inflated to that degree.

I remember having a couple of fairly cheap August holidays in the early 90s in St Ives and Tenby - they were both B&B and in August but I am sure they were not excessively expensive just because it was August. In fact I think me and my girlfriend at the time paid about £120 for that week in St Ives. OK so it was 20 years ago and things have changed, but even so, the value options must be out there.

The Sloop at St Ives - high time we went back

I shall have to do some research on the internet and see what is "value".

Note when I say "value" I don't mean "cheap" as in Tesco Value Baked Beans. I'm quite happy to pay a grand for a holiday if I am getting a grand's worth.

For example - if my caravan that costs £299 in May costs £949 in August for a week then I would say that is not value. I would resent paying that in August.

However if a hotel or cottage that costs £649 in May costs £949 in August then I would argue that is "better value" for the August holidaymaker. Whereas those that can go any time of year would be better off in the caravan in May.

It's all about the percentages. Just like shopping, betting and everything else I do it seems.

Of course I shall have to pull together some funding for such a venture, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem ;-)

As an aside, Ollie was most angry when I showed him the picture of the inside of our caravan in this year's brochure. It had a woman and two kids in the photo - which looked exactly like ours. He shouted "Naughty people! What are you doing in our caravan! Get out!" I did attempt to explain it was only ours for a week but he got most cross and carried on telling the lady in the picture off. Kids, huh?

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Jason x


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