Bringing my words to life.

It's been a busy few weeks here at Chapel Street Press - which is the name I gave to my modest little publishing empire when I set it up two house moves ago. It was back in those heady days at Chapel Street in Bicester where the concept of the Time Bubble first burst into print.

I've been beavering away on the fifth book in The Time Bubble series recently. It is in fact my ninth novel in this series overall when you take the spin-offs into account. You know I love to come up with original concepts for my books and I'm quite confident that I've come up with another new twist with this story.

Whilst I've been writing about Josh's latest adventure in 1992, I've also been working on another long term project to bring my books to life via the medium of audio books.

I already dipped my toe into the waters of this area a while back when I got together with Paul Messingham, a voice actor from Brighton, to record the audio book of My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday.

Over the past few months I've put some of the other books up for audition and have received an overwhelming response. The books have been flying pretty high in the Amazon charts now for some time which must certainly have helped because the number of auditions I got for The Time Bubble alone took me days to wade through. I was amazed at the number of high profile people expressing an interest - audio books are clearly no longer merely a niche market. In the end I went with a RADA actor I was already familiar with through his long running role in The Archers, in Big Finish Doctor Who audio productions and more.

For Midlife Crisis and Rock Bottom, I've got two more great actors/ producers on board with huge experience within the BBC, ITV and elsewhere. I'm going to run features on each of these people as the audio books are released so watch this space.

One of the things I'm finding absolutely thrilling about this whole process is when people who I've grown up watching on TV seek to connect with me. Only this morning I've been chatting to a female actor who had a long running role in Brookside. I was almost in awe when her name popped up in my inbox, showing interest in the next audio book I plan to commission. If you've read Happy New Year you'll know that Amy, the lead character, is from Liverpool. What could be better than having a native speaker with a proven track record from the greatest soap of all time?

It's quite an amazing experience hearing some of these hugely talented people reading aloud the words I've written, particularly the dialogue sections. My characters have always felt very alive to me, but hearing their voices brought to life by these actors brings it to a whole new level.

It also makes me think how much more potential there is in these stories. Hearing the voice of my characters is one thing, but how about seeing them in the flesh? It would be my absolute dream to see Lauren Kent, Kay and all the others brought to life on the silver screen or on TV. Who knows? Maybe these audios might bring that one step closer to reality.

Jason Ayres is the author of eight time travel novels including his latest release, Happy New Year. You can find out more by clicking here


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