Bubble Wrap

So, now that Global Cooling is launched, what about the final part of the trilogy?

You'll have noticed a fair few teasers and loose ends in the first two books that haven't been tied up yet, as well as a few plot lines that were not expanded on to any great extent.

So what is going to happen in the third book? I'm at the outlining stage now, with a plan to start writing in January for an Easter release. I am planning to call it "Bubble Wrap".

Here's a provisional blurb...

Josh has discovered the secret of how to create his own Time Bubbles and manipulate them, dangerous information if falling into the wrong hands.

As Josh joins Peter on his quest to explore the far future, Daniel Fisher is trapped in a mental institution, insisting to his counsellors that he's travelled from twenty years in the past. He's determined to escape and find a way to put right the wrongs of the past.

But if he does succeed in changing history, will anybody even notice?

That's very much a rough outline. It may not turn out exactly like that. but I'd very much like to explore some of those future worlds we saw in the epilogue of The Time Bubble. I also want to follow quite closely what happens to Dan after he emerges from the Time Bubble.

There is also the twenty year period whilst Dan was trapped in the Bubble to cover. Some of the events of that period have already been mentioned in the earlier epilogues such as what happened to Hannah and Peter, and Josh's experiments with the Time Bubbles leading to his trips back that took place in Global Cooling.

At the end, I aim to have a neat trilogy of books, all linked together via the various plot strands.

If you're currently reading Global Cooling, I'd love to hear from you. It's only been out a couple of weeks so I haven't had a lot of feedback yet. What I have had has been good, though. I'm not using my regular Facebook account at the moment but you can find me at my author page here: https://www.facebook.com/TheTimeBubble?ref=bookmarks or on Twitter @AusterityDad.

Since I put the new cover on Global Cooling, sales have started to take off. Here's a picture of the new cover, next to The Time Bubble. I think they look pretty smart together. Both were designed by Daniela at http://www.selfpubbookcovers.com/ who has done a fantastic job. I will be definitely getting in touch with her again when I need the cover for Bubble Wrap.


Global Cooling is going on a major promotion over the next week, starting Monday 8th December. You will be able to pick up a copy via a Kindle Countdown Deal at just 99c in the US, or 99p in the UK. They will return to their regular prices of $2.99 and £1.99 next Monday, so grab yourself a bargain while you can.

Here are the links:

US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OTTETV4
UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Global-Cooling-Time-Bubble-Book-ebook/dp/B00OTTETV4/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_1



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