
I'm midway through a two week holiday in Fuerteventura. I haven't blogged up until now as we came to the same place last year and I covered it extensively then. Plus the fact that it's absolutely full on with the kids now so there simply isn't the time.

Any of you finding this will be aware I'm away from facebook too. In fact I deactivated about a week before I came out here. I have to be honest, I'm not missing it at all.The novelty has well and truly worn off for me. Everything has its day. Still on Twitter though!

I brought the laptop out in the hope I might get some time to work on my novel but with the kids it is all go from first thing in the morning until we get back to the room at night - normally about 11pm. I did manage a couple of thousand words one night when everyone went to bed early but that was about it. I'm really happy with what I've produced so far though and happy to give a few more details. It is a sci-fi novel (I can hear the groans already) but not a hardcore one. It's very much set in the real world with plenty of humorous dialogue. Anyone who remembers those plays I used to write eons ago will know the sort of thing.

I'm probably aiming at a teen/ young adult audience as my principle characters are a bunch of A-level students - but there's no reason why older audiences shouldn't enjoy it too - in the way that people my age can enjoy the In-betweeners - the teenagers are of that age group. There's also a touch of romance in there -  nothing sickly though - this isn't Mills and Boon, and a possible murder mystery over a missing girl - can't say any more as I'll be giving the plot away - then of course there is the sci-fi element - fairly low key though so as not to alienate the casual reader!

Writing this book has to take priority for the next few months so I am afraid blog entries are going to be a bit on the thin side, but I shall try and check in as often as I can. I managed to find half an hour this morning as Ollie went to the kids club and Claire and Jamie went to the Hiper-Dino which is the Fuerteventura version of Sainsbury's. Food is very plentiful and cheap out here - helped by a favourable exchange rate so I am sure you will hear I am eating well! I can get a decent packet of Serrano Ham for 1 Euro here or a massive fillet steak in a restaurant for a tenner - I'm talking something like 16oz! And infinitely tastier than any bland Tesco offering. Though I'm not gaining weight - I'm playing sports every day - you should see me at the water polo, you wouldn't recognise me. I'm teaching Jamie and Ollie to swim too and they are doing well. And I'm easily clocking up my 10,000 steps goal every day too, so all is good! Good health, good tan, good food, good fun. I am setting myself up nicely for the summer. Back home in Bicester I shall be out and about in the daytime - if I'm still not on facebook and you see me in the street, come up and say hello and have a chat. I think it's time we gave life back a bit of its personal touch.

Adios, amigos.

Jason xx


  1. Hope you're having a grand time ... as for those fateful "not missing facebook" words ... you'll be back if only to promote your new book! Sounding like the Inbetweeners meets Broadchurch with some Who on the top. Can't wait!!! xx

    1. Ha - yes, you're absolutely right. I will be back to promote it, but I don't know how long that will be. Writing a novel is a much slower process than a diary. I'm very happy with what I have done so far but it is only 6,000 words, probably about 10% of what I'm aiming for. When I get back to the UK and the kids are back in school I will be able to have a real go at it.

      Had a lovely meal last night at Corralejo's #1 rated restaurant, "The Ugly Duckling". It has a simple menu - choose your meat, choose your type of potato (chips obviously) and choose your sauce. Lovely. And the kids behaved impeccably - we are finally at the stage where we can do these sorts of things again.

  2. I never got a notification of your reply - so apologies for not responding, I just happened to be stalking you and your newer blogs! That sounds like restaurant heaven for someone of your needs! Meat, meat, meat, meat and a side order of meat and I guess chips and sauce might go with it??? Was the weather better over Easter? x

    1. Hi -yeah the weather was pretty good the whole time we were there. I don't know what was going on with the BBC forecast as it was consistently quoting cloud and rain but it was pretty hot and sunny the whole time with only a bit of white cloud floating about. Only 2 brief showers in two weeks. The restaurants over there are all consistently brilliant.

      I have reactivated fb as Ollie wanted me to get in touch with someone. Trying to stay off it though. Did 2000 words of the novel this morning - it's a long old haul getting it done though. Aiming for August at the moment.


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