January, nobody loves you.

January, February won't you come around? So sang Barbara Dickson. Well here they are.

Poor old January - no-one seems to have a kind word to say about it. But I can't see why. I much prefer it to November time when the clocks have gone back and there's several months of darkness ahead.

So let's hear it for January! Here are some reasons to cut it some slack.

1) The nights are drawing out every day!. Sunsets are already well past 4pm now and the mornings are growing lighter now too. Spring is only weeks away, and even this early one can spot the signs, early bulbs sprouting and such like.

2) No matter how much we all love Christmas, let's face it there's a certain relief when the decorations come down and we don't have to worry about it for another 10 months or so. No pressure about presents, how we are going to spend it etc, just nice comforting normality.

3) The X Factor has finished!

4) If you don't have children this is actually a fantastic time of year to get away on holiday. 4 hours flying and you are in the Canaries which is dirt cheap for a holiday at this time of year.

5) No council tax payments for the next two months if you pay by direct debit.

I'm sure I could think of some more if I put my mind to it. What are my plans? Well now that the kids are back at school I am determined to get on top of things around here. With the kids out of the way for a few hours a day I can try and get the house at least under control so that I can properly clean the place up. When all around is chaos, toys everywhere it's actually quite difficult to clean. So I have had a serious sort out. The amount of toys they have now is unreal. I know it's a cliche to say they have so much more than we did in our day but it is true. The biggest problem I face is keeping it all under control. By that I mean making sure all the lego is kept in one place, bits of train track in another, crayons in another, you get the picture. Because left unchecked it becomes a free for all.

Lego is a particular bugbear of mind, the pieces seem to have got a lot smaller since my day and they get everywhere. And are not very forgiving to feet when trodden on.

A picture of some lego I found online, not unlike the scene in the playroom that greeted me yesterday

Which is very stamina sapping when you want to clean. I go into Ollie's bedroom armed with hoover but spend at least half an hour picking all this stuff up, not only what's visible but what's gone under the bed, in the bed, behind various bits of furniture, you get the picture. I can almost see you parents in the background nodding and agreeing. In the end you spend so much time tidying you have to do a rush job on the cleaning.

Well - no more! The boys are going to fall into line and put their toys back in the right place! Well that's the plan anyway. "Yeah, good luck with that, I can hear you saying". Well I can but try.

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Jason xx


  1. Oh, and just for Lynda I should have added - "Creme Eggs are back in the shops" x x

  2. No bestie, they're slowly going in my belly!!! Hahaha xXx

  3. Wow that photo has taken me back to my childhood rooting through my Lego collection. When we'd put it away everything would get bundled together meaning we had Lego, plastic soldiers, the odd marble and coin, matchbox car and jigsaw puzzle piece rattling around in the box.


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