The Christmas Lights debacle

Just a quick catch up on events over the past few days. We will start with the turning on of the Christmas Lights in Bicester.

As usual, the town's traders threw themselves into the event with enthusiasm, stalls and rides for the kids, plenty of eats with a BBQ outside the White Hart and a hog roast at the Butchers. Snow machines added a bit of fantasy for the kids. So all well and good.

Sadly the same cannot be said of Bicester Town Council who it seems put less and less effort into the event every year. The usual reasons are given - town centre development means buses can't get into Market Square if its closed off etc etc. Quite how this explains a sound system that sounds like an Argos starter kit for bedroom DJ's I am at a loss to explain.

The Christmas tree is as usual nowhere near the other lights but hidden behind the kebab van in Market Square.

I would have put some pictures up but it seems no-one has bothered to put any on the internet (unsurprisingly) so I found one of the Sheep instead giving their views on the event.

"Baaaaaaaa...Oh Look the lights have come on"
"Baaaaaaaa...I didn't hear anything"
Attempt to criticize this at all on facebook, and their usual spokesman will jump up to defend them. Apparently if we complain the council won't take any notice - apparently the way to do it is to kiss the council's arse and tell them what a fantastic job they did, and then tell them on ways they can improve the event.

And there's very little point attempting to use social media to communicate with them anyway, David Cameron may have embraced Twitter but I think you'll be waiting a while for such technological breakthroughs to filter down to this level of local Government.

So if you are thinking of complaining here is the wrong way to approach it - which means my message will presumably fall on deaf ears.

"Dear Council. I was most disappointed with the Christmas light switch on. Unfortunately due to not having the foresight to stand within 10 yards of the stage I was unable to join in the countdown to the big switch on as I could not hear it. I hear that your 15 year old DJ was very good though. Please can you put a proper sound system in place in future - either make it loud enough to stretch the length of the street or put some speakers down the other end".

This won't get you very far. Apparently we have to do it like this.

"Dear Council. Thank-you for an absoutely fantastic evening at the Bicester Christmas Light switch on. You have done a fantastic and amazing job once again - I am sure I speak for all the residents of Bicester when I say how much we appreciate you, our elected representatives and you can be assured of our support again at the next elections! Keep up the good work! If I may just make one teeny weeny suggestion for how you could surpass such a superlative event for next year, if that is even humanly possible, would it be possible at all to improve the sound system and make it a little louder to enhance this amazing event. PS: I think you are all worth every penny and I would gladly pay a 50% increase in my council tax bearing in mind how well you are already spending the money I give you every year".

So there you go - that's how to get things done.

What an absolute crock. Sometimes I think if I put myself up as an independent candidate for the council I could get elected with flying colours - then I would actually cut through all the red tape and actually get some things done that people in Bicester actually want!!!

I'm not intending to do so, as quite honestly, I have enough other things to do at the moment, but never say never - I'll have more time in the future.

As for the Christmas lights - much as I hate the place, I have to say, Bicester Village looks amazing, and allegedly Wyevale too, though I have not been there so can't personally confirm that. And the sound system - give it to a proper local DJ who knows Bicester and knows the people. Yes, some people probably thought it was just one of Funky Mike's little jokes a couple of years ago when he started a campaign to do the job himself, but why not? Get him and DJ Wobble (Duncan Sharp) up there - and give the Bicester People what they want. Not only will they actually provide adequate equipment to be heard, what's heard will actually entertain you!

And no I am not putting myself forward for the job, as I prefer to take a more backseat role, hanging around by the hog roast, eating crackling.

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Jason xx


  1. My favourite blog entry from you yet, especially the disappointed sheep! Unfortunately we missed the grand switch on due to being ensconced in the leisure centre for gymnastics, but will make the effort next year!

  2. Ah, thank-you Helen, much appreciated - we had quite a debate on the subject on facebook afterwards! I am quite fond of the Sheep, they are quite symbolic of our town! x


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