Massaging me bits

"I'm a prostitute robot from the future!"

The immortal words of Bill Bailey in "Black Books" when trying to work out what a home neck massager was and holding it up to his chest.

Well I haven't got one of those yet, but if Homedics foot massager is anything to go by I soon will.

Now I have always suffered from both sore feet and a sore neck. Most of my other bits seem to be OK most of the time. Now some years ago I did have a brief dalliance during a single period with a young lady whose speciality was foot rubs. It does seem however that this is not a common hobby of most women - I can think of another activity unsuitable for a family audience that you've got more chance of getting than a foot rub. Thankfully, kindly wifey has indulged me for some years, but what with her recent RSI on the wrist, I've had to reluctantly give her some leave. However, this can now be permanent as she has very kindly purchased me a Homedics foot massager - and here it is.

Give it to me baby...ooh yeah, right there...
This thing is amazing! Forget crappy foot spas, this thing is the dogs! The red lights you can see are small balls about the size of marbles and when you place your foot on them, wow, it's like your feet have died and gone to heaven.

If all Homedics products are like this, then I am definitely going to get Bill Bailey's robot prostitute device next! My neck and upper shoulders have always suffered.

Next up tonight - my home contents insurance. Boring subject I know but it highlights the need I have always said to shop around and get value. Well I've had this insurance for 6 years and it has been bumping along quite nicely at around £20 a month. Suddenly and inexplicably the renewal comes through and it's gone up to £36 a month! Now I almost let this go through without noticing but the figure jumped out at me. Rang them up - no explanation except something about underwriters re-assessing the postcode or some such bollocks.

Straight on to and an hour or two later and a few searches later old policy is cancelled, and new policy in place for just £16 a month and with over twice the amount covered as before.

Just goes to show, you should never automatically renew things without checking what else is out there. My "value" way of living my life has kept me in considerable good stead over the years. Shopping around. From paying £5.99 on Amazon for something that is £18 in Argos to backing a horse at 12/1 with one bookmaker when it's 8/1 with another, all these little things every single day make the difference between living like a prince or a pauper. It all works for me.

I keep meaning (and promising to QOTS) to do a shopping blog, and I will do soon! As well as initiating her into the joys of the supermarket. Something for September - funny, everything seems to be on hold until September at the moment - I wonder why? (Clue - all the mums and dads know).

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please take a look at my books on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle), where you can read lots more of the same! Click here.

Jason xx


  1. .......... Not just mum's and dads but your friend here too - nash's withdrawals are not pleasant! Bring on September you best get your suit of armour out if we are doing tesco ....... Oh and the foot rub or blow job? I hate feet so it's the other all the way lol!!!

  2. Well in theory, now I could have both at the same time! lol

  3. We need a COT Costa meet coke Sept... it's been too long guys! X

    1. Come Sept... poxy phone keyboard!!! Lol

    2. In fact you could have been right the first time - if we go in there I might have a Coke as I don't really like the coffee in there.

  4. Tut! I'll be up for it ...... Get a cup of tea or something!

    1. I've never had a cup of tea in a cafe in my life! If it's not PG in my own cup then it's not happening. Do Costa even sell tea?

  5. A person’s weight loss journey is very personal and with this being said you may choose to include strength training or you may not.


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