Slave to the machine

Before I get on to the main blog, some happy news on the Snack Product front. One the of the great problems I have with crisp multipacks is that there is invariably at least one flavour of the product that nobody likes. This varies by product, so although some of us like Salt 'n' Vinegar crisps, none of us like Salt 'n' Vinegar Hula Hoops. So we always end up with 3 or 4 packets left over. Hint to any visitors: If you like Salt 'n' Vinegar Hula Hoops ask for a bag next time you are over - I have a few bags in the cupboard and they are in date.

Anyway, much has been my disappointment in the past to see a much loved flavour of crisps in a multipack replaced by another e.g. BBQ beef Wotsits replaced by Flaming Hot.

Yet, at last a flavour change has gone in my favour! I have always liked Wheat Crunchies, but not been keen on the Worcester Sauce flavour, which along with those below has traditionally made up the multipack.

However, imagine my delight to discover in Iceland this morning that the disliked Worcester Sauce has been replaced by a new Cheese 'n' Onion flavour! Excellent news, just what a needed to brighten up what has been a pretty low key week on the crisp and snack front after the disappointment on Sunday of discovering that Aldi had run out of Cheese Puffs.

Anyway, on to the main point of the blog - as you know the school holidays are approaching and that means lots of fun in the sun (in theory). So you will probably find my blogging contributions drop considerably until September. I am also becoming very very aware that I am spending way too much time on this computer that could be better utilised elsewhere.

I have touched many times on the "dangers" of facebook and how I feel it is gradually taking over our lives, and really, if you have an addictive personality like mine and like writing a lot, it's fatal.

It doesn't help when you are in a position like myself with childcare responsibilities where you aren't in a position to socialise as much as you used to so the social media provides a useful platform for social interaction when say, you're home alone in the evening after the kids have gone to bed.

But when it gets to the point where you are checking the computer every 5 minutes to see if any of those little notification flags have appeared in the top left hand corner, when you are carrying on lengthy PM conversations with several people at once and feel you have to respond instantly, you are playing about 15 people at the same time on Song Pop and struggling to keep up, not to mention all the other stuff, this site really can take over your life. And I,as I say have a very addictive personality - once I get into something I cannot stop. I'm so glad I never get involved in drugs at all, as if I had I would probably be dead by now.

Anyway, eventually this week with facebook, I reached the point where I just have to say "enough is enough" and do what I did this week and deactivate it and walk away. But can I live without it - probably not. It's wired into my existence now as much as the electricity is wired into the house. Not on facebook? Be prepared to lose contact with all your friends. Miss out on jobs (yep I get more work through fb now than any other medium, including paid advertising). And all the other little things, like for example, Saturday is looming and that means I have to post my selections on the horse racing game, as well as Lynda's, who's counting on me to do it while I am away. It's just all wired in now, I'm already half way to being a cyberman, where will it all end? We'll all be hotwired in like they were in Doctor Who, dutiful little slaves to the machine. Science fiction maybe, but that's the way the world's going.

Will being on facebook soon be as essential and ubiquitous as owning a mobile phone, or even having access to running water?

I don't want to be on there - but what choice do I have? Stay off and I may as well become a hermit as that will be my social status.

Here's a thing. I normally promote my blog via facebook - the average entry gets between 50 and 100 hits. I'm willing to bet this particular entry gets less than half that. Not on facebook? Might as well be invisible.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please take a look at my books on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle), where you can read lots more of the same! Click here.

Jason xx


  1. Why not stay in contact with your friends the old fashioned way? You know, by telephone! Remember the time when you'd speak to your friends and catch up on the phone. I rarely speak to Jen on the phone these days because of pm and it's a shame really, the personal touch hath disappeared x

  2. Absolutely and completely agree 100%
    And not just on mobiles either which keep dropping out etc - what happened to good old fashioned landlines?

  3. Or the romance of a hand written letter ??? Facebook is bringing out a side of me I don't like I see far tooany people moaning about how crap their day is, or their relationship I or what a *^+%% that other person is - it stresses me out

    As for the crisps I have a moan (non fb moan) wheat crunchies got too big and are just not the same

    1. You are dead right there Laura - I hate it when they change things. I think the Wheat Crunchies have increased in length - but have lost some flavour - and girth - oo-er lol x

      Hand written letters - beautiful. Becoming a lost art. I could write a whole blog about some letters my Gran showed me that a friend wrote her during the war.

      Had to chuckle at your status earlier - the first two words really "Some People" is one of my catchphrases along with "Unbelievable" and "This Country"

      Jason xx

    2. 'epic fail ' is another favourite along with 'Jeremy Kyle is the man to call' (this used only when I think the person with the issue clearly needs a nationally seen verbal slap . ) jezza worshipping is on the rise

  4. Oh an keep a look out for my next spurt of a 'stupidity allergic reaction" that's usually where my big rants start


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