The White Elephant

So - trinity is no more - at least not in its current incarnation.

What next for trinity?

In case you're unaware, trinity is a or rather was, a restaurant and tea-room here in my very own Chapel Street. As of June 1st it has ceased trading. There was a sign outside suggesting it was to re-open as a restaurant only, but when, I am unsure - judging by the amount of junk piled up outside it won't be any time soon.

And it seems the large function room upstairs won't be available either as a wedding I had scheduled there for early September can no longer be accomodated. Fortunately the bride has managed to find another venue, and I shall still be DJ'ing for her. However the loss of trinity is a disappointment to me, as I used to get a lot of work there - which was extremely handy as it was just a case of lugging some equipment across the road and setting up.

It's a great shame to see this place close once again, but I cannot help but think that it is somewhat of a white elephant. I know it's a cliche to bang on about location location location, but tucked away here on "sleepy" Chapel Street, it just doesn't get the passing trade of somewhere like say Maba, up on the corner which thousands of people must walk and drive by every day.

I use the word "sleepy" in quotes as with the building work and associated chaos down here over the last year it has been anything but. Which probably didn't help trinity either.

So what's the story behind this building? Well the building has stood there since the 18th century and was for most of its existence, a Chapel. For the latter part of the 20th century and up until about six years ago it functioned as a snooker hall.

Now without ever being spectacularly successful, it muddled along as a snooker hall for many years, with the tables upstairs, and what basically amounted to a pub/ social club downstairs. A perfectly pleasant old fashioned boozer with no pretences.

Sadly, just muddling along is no longer enough to survive in the pub trade these days and eventually the snooker club was forced to close its doors. A year or two later, it re-opened as a brand spanking new restaurant - "The Old Chapel". All newly refurbished, a small fortune spent on it, an upmarket and elaborate menu - what could go wrong.

Everything it seemed as within a year it collapsed under a crushing debt. I don't know the ins and outs of it, but I couldn't help thinking that it was trying to be a little too upmarket for Bicester. Not that I am putting us down in anyway, I am sure many people liked it - but it felt to me it was the kind of place better suited to an upmarket city centre. It probably would have done well in Oxford, for example.

So - it re-opened again - and this time it certainly seemed as if they had got it right. There was a team of three running it - Andy, Andy and Jane, and you could see how much time and dedication they put into it. The room upstairs was host to all manner of parties - I enjoyed DJ'ing at a number of wedding receptions there, and there was always something going on -themed nights, comedy clubs, 80s nights. The three of them put their heart and soul into the place and for a while it seemed to be doing very well.

But despite all that, I can't get over thinking it was always going to be a losing battle, you just cannot get over this location issue, and eventually they sold out to a Thai company - bye bye AA&J. Since then it just seems to have gotten quieter and quieter - frequently I walk past in the evening and it is closed, and all the comedy nights and other entertainment stopped. I wondered how it was remaining open - and inevitably it no longer is.

A great pity really - what can be done with this lovely old building? Is it doomed to failure as an entertainment venue? As I understand it, the Thai group still own it and plan to re-open but are they really going to have any more success than any of their predecessors? I can't help but think that if AA&J couldn't do it - no-one can.

Maybe the new Thai restaurant will surprise us and knock socks off anything else in Bicester - we shall see. I do enjoy some Thai food so will give it a try - it is only really Indian food I don't like.

Speaking of which - we have a brand new Indian restaurant now open in another defunct pub building (what used to Ye Olde Pioneer). I could not help initially but groan with disappointment when I heard it was to be yet another Indian restaurant. My thoughts were, I don't know how many we have already, but whatever number I would suggest it is enough. And that is nothing to do with me not liking curry - merely a desire for variety within the town. Like the breath of fresh air that Maba brought to the town, wouldn't it have been great if this new venue had brought something new to the mix e.g. a French or Mexican restaurant. Or even another Chinese restaurant - now that Parasol has gone, we only really have the Yin Hong, and a choice would be nice.

Still - I am sure Mehfil (the name of the new venture) will be successful, it seems I am very much in the minority when it comes to my dislike of curry and all of you out there love it, so I guess I will have to concede to popular opinion and recommend you go and check them out. I have to say it looks very nice from the outside, and they have spent an enormous amount of time converting the building so it's only fair you go and give them your support (as with any business in the town centre). And let me know how you get on.

Sadly I won't be able to join you, but why do I dislike curry so much - I have no idea, but my aversion is very strong. The merest whiff of curry powder makes me want to heave. It's just one of those things I guess. I can stomach hot and spicy food as well as anyone, it is just "curry" that makes me feel ill just at the thought of it.

Never mind, perhaps we'll get some more variety when the new town centre development opens for business. Perhaps the cinema will attract a big name - wouldn't it be absolutely fantastic to get a TGI Fridays or Frankie and Benny's right here in the town?

Come on TGI Friday's - come to Bicester! We need you!

We can but dream!

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Jason xx


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